Kniakiachl (Fried Doughnuts)
At the Rohrer Farm in Sarntal, Heidi from the Ollerhond Selbergmochts cooking group prepares Kniekiechl – a slightly crispy-on-the-outside, fluffy-on-the-inside treat, much loved in the valley. Making Kniekiechl requires a little patience, but the end result is well worth the effort.
Kniakiachl - Sweet tradition from the Sarntal Valley
Kniakiachl (makes about 20)
- 250g plain flour
- 50g sugar
- 12g fresh yeast
- 25g butter
- 3g salt
- 100ml milk
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar
- Rum (to taste)
- Grated lemon zest
- 1 whole egg
- 1 egg yolk
Initial Dough (Germteig)
- Sieve the flour into a bowl and make a well in the centre.
- Crumble the yeast, add a pinch of sugar and a little milk.
- Sprinkle with flour and leave to prove, covered, in a warm place for 15–20 minutes.
Main Dough (Germteig)
- Add the sugar, eggs, melted butter, salt, vanilla sugar, lemon zest, rum and the remaining milk to the initial dough. Knead everything together until the dough forms bubbles.
- Leave the dough to prove for about 40 minutes in a warm place.
Kniekiechl (Fried Doughnuts)
- Form the dough into evenly sized balls and let them prove again for 15 minutes in a warm place.
- Heat the oil to about 180 degrees Celsius and, using both hands, gently stretch the dough balls, creating a thick edge and a thin centre.
- Fry in the oil until golden brown on both sides.
- Leave to cool and fill the cavity with cranberry jam.